Blake256r14 Mining Profit Calculator

Determining the most profitable miners is a breeze with our cutting-edge mining calculator. You can quickly switch between popular currencies like USD, EUR, GBP, AED, CAD, AUD, THB, ETH, and BTC with ease. Our calculator also offers the ability to set your electricity costs with three decimal places accuracy. To provide you with a complete overview, we've assembled an overview table of the top miners and individual tables for each crypto algorithm. With our intuitive coin images, identifying mineable coins for each algorithm has never been simpler.

Miner Brand & Model Algos Hashrate Power Profit / Day
Blake256R14 52Th/s 2200W $0/day
Blake256R14 48Th/s 2200W $0/day
Blake256R14 35Th/s 1610W $0/day
Blake256R14 34Th/s 1800W $0/day
Blake256R14 340Gh/s 180W $0/day
Blake256R14 1.2Th/s 500W $0/day
Blake256R14 2.1Th/s 900W $0/day
Blake256R14 2.4Th/s 1000W $0/day
Blake256R14 3.1Th/s 980W $0/day
Blake256R14 7.8Th/s 1410W $0/day
Blake256R14 11Th/s 1600W $0/day
Blake256R14 2.8Th/s 1230W $0/day
Blake256R14 12.8Th/s 1850W $0/day
Blake256R14 6Th/s 2100W $0/day
Blake256R14 6Th/s 2100W $0/day

Blake256r14 is a PoW algorithm used to provide network security and validate transactions. It is a popular choice among miners due to its high hashing speed and advanced security capabilities, which help maintain the stability and integrity of the network. The algorithm was initially developed by Dr. Matthew Green, a cryptographer, and professor at the Johns Hopkins Information Security Institute. The implementation is based on the ChaCha stream cipher and uses a keyed block chaining mode of operation (CBC). The algorithm uses the Blake-256 hash function, known for its speed and security. The r14 in the algorithm's name signifies the number of rounds used in the hashing process. Blake256r14 is the preferred algorithm for many digital currency miners. Highly reliable and optimized for the Blake256 Algo it is an excellent option for miners looking to ensure a fair and efficient mining process. By utilizing a reliable miner that is capable of handling the algorithm's demands, miners can mine their preferred cryptocurrency with ease and efficiency.